telSpoed & crisis

When do we get involved?

We become involved with you and your family if there are concerns about your safety and/or that of your siblings if you have any. You cannot register yourself. You are always registered with us through another organisation. This is possible in the following situations:

  • At the request of a neighbourhood team or Centre for Youth & Family (Centrum voor Jeugd & Gezin or CJG) that you are dealing with or sometimes during an investigation by the Child Protection Board, we offer help in a voluntary (i.e. with approval) form – this is called preventive youth protection.
  • The juvenile court has decided that you will be placed under supervision – this is called a supervision order (ondertoezichtstelling or OTS)
  • The juvenile court has decided that we will (temporarily) assume custody of you – this is called guardianship
  • Jij wordt verdacht van of veroordeeld voor een strafbaar feit – dat heet jeugdreclassering (JR).