telSpoed & crisis

About Jeugdbescherming West

It is important that children can grow up safely. Usually, parents manage to take care of this themselves, but sometimes they don’t. We come into the picture when there are concerns about the safe development of children.

We guide children and young people, their parents and other involved parties to prevent situations from escalating further. We also help young people who have come into contact with the police or the justice system to find a place in society and to prevent new criminal behaviour.

Certified institution
All our employees always work for the safety and development of children in a respectful manner. Jeugdbescherming West meets the quality requirements set in the standards framework for youth protection and juvenile rehabilitation. This means that we are a certified institution that is authorised to carry out measures in the field of youth protection and juvenile rehabilitation on behalf of the municipalities.

Family oriented
We work in a family-oriented way. This means that the youth protector monitors the safety of all children in the family and involves all persons who are important to the children and the parents.

Collaboration partners
Within our working method, collaboration with the informal and professional network is crucial. Only when we have a shared image and focus and work together as a close team can we support the family and help create the change that is needed. You can find more information about our collaboration partners here.